Friday, May 21, 2010

A Gentleman and a Scholar...

Milo's Pre-K graduation was today. His class did a little skit from "Where the Wild Things Are" and Milo played a tree.

We are so proud of the little guy... he can be shy sometimes but he made it through the whole ceremony without any trouble at all.

With him being a tree... it reminded me of a song by Guided by Voices. I think it is very fitting for this moment in our little guy's life.

"I am a tree, I show my age when I don't cry.
I have the leaves that will fall off when wind blows by.
Don't strip off my bark - I have been stripped of it before.
Yesterday's gone and tomorrow has so much more in store."

Here's the actual song if you'd like to check it out.

Thursday, May 20, 2010

A Game Only Boys Could Enjoy...

Mommy had to go to a meeting tonight... so this new game we made up is called 'Laundry Basket Rodeo'

You really can't see from the pic, but Joey is under the basket and kicking up. Milo was just trying to stay of for 8 seconds.

Good times had by all... and certainly much more humane than an actual rodeo.

Sunday, May 9, 2010

"Joey, don't brush your penis with your toothbrush!"

This was an actual quote from Mommy at 8:40am on Sunday, May 9th (Mother's Day.)

This is just one of the wonderful bits of advice Irene shares with our boys to make their lives better every day.

Happy Mother's Day Irene and to all the Mother's out there in the world!

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Milo Good, Motivational Speaker

Tonight Milo asked me the following question...

"Dad, when I was in Mommy's tummy, was she as fat as you?"

Well... so much for the last 18 months of running....