Sunday, January 6, 2008

"No thanks"

With the intention of instilling good manners, Milo's been taught to say "No thanks" when he doesn't want to eat something on his dinner plate.

This politeness has now extended to:

Milo, time for a bath - "No thanks."
Milo, time to potty - "No thanks."
Milo, going potty isn't a "thanks or no thanks" option. It's time to go potty. - "NO THANKS!"

Fair enough, I suppose. Rumor has it that we're within weeks of seeing clean Elmo underwear at the end of the day.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

do you think this could work for adults?

"i'm gonna need you to think about this and give me a tps report on it, ok?"

"umm, yea, no thanks."

oh, if only....