Sunday, August 24, 2008

Digital Alphabet Soup

Granted, it is my hope that both boys excel in reading and have a love of learning. We read to them most every night and take every opportunity to teach them letters, numbers, etc.

So... the morning I'm waking up after seeing Motorhead and Heaven & Hell (Dio-era Black Sabbath) I hear Irene say "Joey, are you eating the keys from Daddy's computer?"

Today Joe-bro decided to get his first solo study in the alphabet when he pulled off about half-a-dozen keys of my iBook keyboard and proceeded to chew up two of them.

After screaming, spanking, and delicate surgery to repair the damage his two year-old fingers to my 6 year-old computer... everything is ok. So the 'G' key and the right command key have some character marks now. The computer itself is still quite functional, but a little worse for the wear.

So my question now is do I keep the keys as they are to remind me that all the work I do is for my family... or do I cash in his college fund to by a new Macbook?

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