Wednesday, August 8, 2007

"Daddy, you're a weiner"

I guess this would qualify under the 'play with fire' category...

The other day while I was putting a clean diaper on Milo he noticed that it was a little bulky in the front. Being the observant one, he said "Daddy, my diaper is too big"

Testing to see how he would respond I told him... "Perhaps it's not that your diaper is too big, but maybe your weiner is too small"

Milo looked at me and said "Daddy... you're a weiner"

With that... I think it's safe to say that he called my bluff....


Anonymous said...

wow. mark, you really said that? fanfuckingtastic :) you weiner.

Anonymous said...

Holy crap that kid's a genius! How cool is it that he recognizes a real weiner! You know I mean this in jest....